Protecting Your Skin This Winter

Protecting Your Skin This Winter

As the nights get darker and the weather gets colder, it's officially time to stick on the heat. While the cosy winter nights are a dream, the cold wintery weather makes life a little bit harder. Hats, scarves, gloves and massive coats, dealing with broken umbrellas and dodging rain showers. 

With the cold weather back with a bang, results in central heating becoming a huge part of our lives for the next few months. Central heating, mixed with cold weather, has an effect on our skin, as it begins to change and adapt to protect us. The harsh winters experienced in Ireland can break down our skin barriers, causing dehydration and sensitivity. 

When our skin experiences dehydration, it automatically becomes increasingly sensitive, removing that strong barrier we have to protect our body. Rosacea, eczema and psoriasis are all common results of that skin barrier being broken down. As the most important organ in the body, it is so important we look after it as best we can. To help, we’ve listed our top products to help protect our skin during the winter months below. 


A cream cleanser will help lock in moisture to your skin. Avoid soapy cleansers as they may strip the oils we need.


Introduce a hydration spray to keep your skin barrier protected, which will helo lock in moisture.


Hail rain or shine, get SPF into your daily skin routine. It is so important to keep our skin protected even during winter months. Protecting your skin from harmful rays should happen throughout the entire year! 


Increase your hyaluronic acid in your skin routine to ensure your skin retains its glow. 


Reduce the temperature of your water, try not to use hot water on your skin, tepid water is perfect.


Calla skincare products are the go to for protecting your skin from dirt and grime built up throughout the day. Calla Skincare products are made from microfibre which remove 100% of dirt and grime from your skin. Get yours today and retain your glow, no matter the weather!

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